Posted on August 24, 2016 by Agency Owl

8 Reasons to Redesign Your Insurance Website

Competition on the internet is fierce so having control over how your company is perceived, will give you a leg up on your competitors.

A poorly designed or outdated website tells your prospective customers that you lack attention to detail and that you aren’t keeping current with new trends. This may make your business appear to be less creditable or out of touch, causing you to lose business to competitors that are.

Websites that are modern and attractive, make a great first impression and may serve as the only measure of your company’s credibility when face-to-face customer service is absent.

Your current website may be in perfect working order, have sound navigation, up-to-date links, and decent traffic, but might be failing to convert customers because it doesn’t look the part. Often times, consumers consider low quality websites to be untrustworthy and will feel uneasy about providing any personal information via the site or even requesting a quote out of fear of being scammed.

  1. You want to upgrade and aging design that makes you look old school
  2. You’ve had the same design for over 5 years
  3. You have a website that is cluttered or not visually appealing
  4. You update content that is outdated and longer accurate.
  5. You want to make the site more user or search friendly
  6. Your website doesn’t work on mobile devices
  7. You want to attract the attention of new prospects
  8. You want to generate more leads

Your website is your online representative. Shouldn’t it make a good impression? We think so, luckily we have some pretty awesome insurance website themes to help you solve this problem quickly and painlessly. Give us a call us 1-800-811-7949 or sign-up online to get started on your website makeover.

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